Kirk Gordon

With more than 29 years of safety experience working for the State of Connecticut, Kirk oversees the Club’s safety and security operations. Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, Kirk was employed with the State of Connecticut Department of Children and Families for seven years as an Adolescent Specialist and High-Risk Investigator for abused children. He served as the Probation Officer for the State Connecticut for 22 years and retired as a Chief Probation Officer in the Stamford/Norwalk district courts.
Kirk is a graduate of Southern Connecticut State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology/Criminal Law, Criminal Justice, and earned All New England honors and was Captain of the Southern Connecticut State University Football team. Kirk also played in the NY/Canadian Minor League conference for four years. He enjoys coaching football and baseball, and currently coaches high school football at Norwalk High School and a youth travel baseball team out of New York and North Carolina.