Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich hosts several annual events that significantly fund the Club’s programs. In addition, BGCG offers underwriting opportunities for our Member Program Events such as the Thanksgiving Feast and Holiday Party.
For more information, please contact Michele Smith, Director of Development, at or 203-869-3224 ext 139.
April 3, 2025
Youth of the Year is Boys & Girls Club of America’s premier recognition program, encouraging Club members to reach their full potential by achieving academic excellence, leading a healthy lifestyle, and embracing the values of leadership and service. Each year, BGCG selects several extraordinary teen members as our Youth of the Year finalists. From these, the individual who most embodies our mission, values, and spirit is selected as our Youth of Year winner and represents our Club in a statewide competition.
Annual Benefit
September 5, 2025
Cocktails, dinner and dancing provide the backdrop for our largest fundraiser of the year. An elegant, themed gala, our Annual Benefit features music, great food, and a vibrant crowd at this not-to-be-missed social event.
Winter 2025 date to be announced
Each winter, BGCG holds our much anticipated Swim-a-Thon. Club members spend a Saturday morning swimming laps as friends and family members cheer them on. Money raised from the event enables the Club to provide aquatic programs to our members free of charge.
This fun-filled family event is for runners and walkers who enjoy a competitive adventure on our rugged, 3.1-mile wooded course with natural and man-made obstacles and plenty of MUD!
Click on photo above for details from our latest event.
PLEASE NOTE: Special events will be held at multiple locations throughout town during the 2023-2024 school year.
During the week of Halloween, the Club hosts a Halloween party where Club kids travel in small groups to our parking lot full of decked-out car trunks filled with goodies. BGCG’s Torch Club also hosts a haunted house fundraiser where members can pay $2 for a “terrifying” walk around the haunted halls of the Clubhouse.
An annual tradition since 2002, nearly 350 boys and girls feast on traditional Thanksgiving fare. Held a few days before Thanksgiving, this event offers Club members a chance to eat a delicious and nutritious meal as a “family” with their Clubhouse friends and Club staff. BGCG’s Board of Directors, Alumni, town officials, and Greenwich first responders love participating as servers in this special holiday tradition.
Thanksgiving Feast
The holiday season starts early in December when Club kids, families, and members of the community join Santa Claus for breakfast. Stacks of pancakes fill the Game Room while children of all ages share their wish list with Old Saint Nick.
In mid-December, Club members take part in a special “giving party.” At this event, members select gifts that they will give to their family members. A group of volunteers collects gift donations, setting up a “store” boys and girls can “shop” from for their family. Members then head into the holiday party hall to have their gifts wrapped, enjoy listening to holiday music, and participate in a number of creative gift-making activities.
Holiday Party
Since 1968, the Club’s Annual Awards Night recognizes members and volunteers for their outstanding contributions to the Club. From the Fine Arts Award to the Junior Swimmer of the Year Award, numerous Club members are celebrated for their achievements.
Awards Night